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What a difference a year makes.

Nickel Support

When we started the Community Support project a year ago one of the people we began to support was Marion. Marion has written a few words about the impact Nickel has had on her life here:

“Before I started working with Nickel I wasn’t doing enough or going out. I couldn’t go out before because I kept having accidents and it made me embarrassed and I wanted to stay at home.

I didn’t see my support workers very much, only when we went shopping and when they gave me money. Sometimes I wasn’t allowed to go out when I had done something that they said was ‘naughty’ and they told me to stay indoors. I was very lonely and sad. Now working with Nickel I am more relaxed and I know that I can talk to the staff if I need anything.

Before Nickel I used to eat ready meals every day, which I didn’t like. I didn’t do any cooking. Now I have bought new equipment for cooking. I cook all my own dinners and am eating healthily.

Staff helped me by making doctor's appointments and by helping me to get the right support,

The doctor has said that my sugar levels are going down, and that I have lost weight.

When Nickel first started supporting me, my cat Yo-yo was very unwell. The Nickel staff helped me to get her an operation which saved her life.

In the past I used to cut my own hair and I wasn’t very happy with my appearance. Now I go shopping, I have brought new shoes, new clothes and had my hair cut and coloured. I go out and meet new people. I feel more confident because the staff have helped me to get my confidence back.

Last month my staff persuaded me to go to the Nickel awards party and I brought a new outfit and went. I am glad I went and I even won an award. I feel proud of myself and happy.”

We are so proud of Marion and the journey she has been on in the past year and the steps she has taken to improve her life. This is why we awarded her with a highly commended award at the Nickels.

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